In a new interview with Time, 13 Reasons Why star Tommy Dorfman reintroduced herself as a transgender woman. 

The 29-year-old actress told the outlet that she has been privately identifying and living as a woman for the last year and keeping a “diaristic time capsule” on Instagram that “shows a body living in a more fluid space.”

She said, “I’m not changing my name. I’m named after my mom’s brother who passed a month after I was born, and I feel very connected to that name, to an uncle who held me as he was dying. This is an evolution of Tommy. I’m becoming more Tommy.”

She also opened up about the impact on her career, saying that she is done playing male characters. 

Dorfman said, "It’s impossible for me to separate my personal and professional transition, because my body and face are linked to my career. I’m most recognized for playing a b***hy gay poet on a soap opera, and I feared that by actively transitioning in my personal life, I would lose whatever career I’ve been told I’m supposed to have. But I’m no longer interested in playing “male” characters—except for maybe in a “Cate Blanchett playing Bob Dylan” way.”