Actress and #MeToo activist Alyssa Milano is responding after being criticized for her continued support of presumed 2020 Democratic nominee Joe Biden. Tara Reade has repeatedly accused him of sexual assault.

Monday night, Milano, who has long rallied behind the notion that assault accusers should be believed, said: “I’m aware of the new developments in Tara Reade’s accusation against Joe Biden. I want Tara, like every other survivor, to have the space to be heard and seen without being used as fodder. I hear and see you, Tara.”

The developments Milano appears to be referring to are her former neighbor telling Business Insider that Reade told her about the allegations decades ago. A CNN clip from 1993 has also been resurfaced, in which Reade’s late mother appears to be alluding to her work with then-senator Biden during a conversation with Larry King Live.

Reade has also taken Milano to task, telling Fox: "I think we need to compare how she responded to Brett Kavanaugh… quite different than the talking points she [used] regarding Joe Biden. She never reached out to me. I don't really want to amplify her voice because I feel like she hijacked my narrative for a while and framed it about herself… she knows nothing about it."

Some followers of the debate on Twitter weren’t having it. Wrote one: “I see you & I hear you, @Alyssa_Milano And, all I see is the same vapid, self-consumed person who STILL endorses @JoeBiden & dismisses @ReadeAlexandra”.