Following the series finale of Succession on Sunday night (May 28th), Brian Cox and Sarah Snook took to social media to say goodbye to the show.
“We have now come to the end. And what has been, in my career, certainly the greatest work experience ever,” Cox wrote in his Instagram stories. “The harmony between crew and cast was truly amazing. It was on it’s sic way to become a great series but the Love and commitment from crew to cast and writers, made it memorable.”
The Troy actor added, “I would like to thank all of us in the making and creating of this show from the very bottom of my heart.”
Meanwhile, Snook revealed on her Instagram page Monday (May 29th) that she gave birth to her first child. Sharing a photo of herself watching the finale with her newborn baby, she wrote, “It’s hard to express what this show has meant to me. The places I got to go, the immense talent I got to work with…it breaks my heart that it is all over.”