The 10th film in the Fast and Furious franchise, Fast X, debuted to $67 million at the domestic box office over the weekend. Deadline reports that this meets the film’s projections and is just $3 million short of what the ninth film pulled in during its opening weekend.

Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 took second place in its third week at the box office, making $32.7 million. The Super Mario Bros. Movie landed in third place with $9.8 million.

Box Office Numbers from Friday (May 19th) through Sunday (May 21st):

1. Fast X, $67 million 2. Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3, $32.7 million 3. The Super Mario Bros. Movie, $9.8 million 4. Book Club: The Next Chapter, $3 million 5. Evil Dead Rise, $2.4 million 6. John Wick: Chapter 4, $1.33 million 7. Are You There God?…, $1.3 million 8. Hypnotic, $885,000 9. Blackberry, $535,000 10. Dungeons & Dragons, $390,000