Kim Kardashian is defusing any drama around her daughter North‘s performance at Kanye West‘s Yeezy show. Her performance went viral, but some saw similarities between her song and the young YouTube sensation ZaZa‘s hit “What I Do.”

ZaZa’s parents hit up the ‘Gram, posting videos of performances by both youngsters. They wrote: “In July of 2019, ZaZa & her dad went into the studio for the ultimate experience! To finally begin making the music she wanted to make. What @kimkardashian (Kanye west) are doing with their daughter… with the inspiration of ZaZa & our family in mind is okay… we not mad BUT PLS SHOW LOVE AND SUPPORT TO THE ORIGINAL FIRST!!! We admire Kanye west, and adore his journey. However, we don’t wanna feel like our daughter’s journey in the world of entertainment is being STIFLED.”

Kim saw the post and apparently agrees. She responded: “We love you, North is a huge fan and records in the studio all the time with her dad and is inspired by ZaZa and loves Lay Lay too! Today's performance of North's remix of ZaZa's song was something she asked to do at the last minute and a complete surprise. I didn't mean to not give credit where credit was due. Would love for the girls to meet soon.”

ZaZa’s parents seemed satisfied, writing: “it’s always always love! Would enjoy getting girls together. Let’s make it happen ASAP”.

Kim then sent out a follow-up tweet: “I’m so proud of my Northie!!!!!! Her 1st performance had me in tears! She had an impromptu performance on stage at her dads Yeezy Season 8 fashion show! Shout out to Zaza!!! @redcarpetZaZa North hopes you like the remix!!!”