The remaining core cast members of Friends took to Instagram on Wednesday (November 15th) to share their own heartfelt tributes to the late Matthew Perry. The Fools Rush In actor died unexpectedly last month at the age of 54.
Jennifer Aniston shared a black-and-white photo from behind the scenes of the sitcom, which showed Perry making her laugh. “Oh boy this one has cut deep… Having to say goodbye to our Matty has been an insane wave of emotions that I’ve never experienced before. We all experience loss at some point in our lives. Loss of life or loss of love. Being able to really SIT in this grief allows you to feel the moments of joy and gratitude for having loved someone that deep,” she wrote in the caption. “And we loved him deeply. He was such a part of our DNA. We were always the 6 of us. This was a chosen family that forever changed the course of who we were and what our path was going to be.”
Lisa Kudrow posted an old Polaroid of herself with Perry from the early days of their working together. “Thank you for making me laugh so hard at something you said, that my muscles ached, and tears poured down my face EVERY DAY. Thank you for your open heart in a six way relationship that required compromise. And a lot of ‘talking,’” she wrote. “Thank you for showing up at work when you weren’t well and then, being completely brilliant. Thank you for the best 10 years a person gets to have. Thank you for trusting me. Thank you for all I learned about GRACE and LOVE through knowing you. Thank you for the time I got to have with you, Matthew.”
David Schwimmer shared a photo of himself and Perry on set in their Miami Vice-inspired suits. “I will never forget your impeccable comic timing and delivery. You could take a straight line of dialogue and bend it to your will, resulting in something so entirely original and unexpectedly funny it still astonishes,” he wrote. “And you had heart. Which you were generous with, and shared with us, so we could create a family out of six strangers.”