The world is divided after Oprah Winfrey‘s bombshell interview with Meghan Markle and Prince Harry on CBS Sunday night. On Monday morning, the media maven appeared on CBS This Morning to clear up a few storylines.

Winfrey confirmed that neither Queen Elizabeth nor Prince Philip raised concerns over Meghan and Harry’s son Archie’s potential skin color while Meghan was pregnant. She said Harry wouldn’t name names, but essentially cleared his grandparents.

Oprah said: “He did not share the identity with me but he wanted to make sure that I knew, and if I had an opportunity to share it, that it was not his grandmother nor his grandfather that were part of those conversations.”

She added: “He did not tell me who were part of those conversations. As you can see I tried to get that answer — on camera and off.”

She also revealed that amid a series of stunning revelations—including their secret wedding ahead of their televised ceremony and Meghan’s suicidal ideations—that revelation shocked her the most.

“All around this same time — we have in tandem the conversation of, ‘He won’t be given security, he’s not going to be given a title,’ and also concerns and conversations about how dark his skin might be when he’s born,” Meghan told Oprah in the no-holds-barred interview.

“I was surprised that they Markle and Harry were telling me about it,” Winfrey said.

“Yes, they want privacy but they understand that they are public figures and the privacy is not to be intruded upon. There is a difference between privacy and intrusion and being able to have boundaries,” Winfrey explained about why the couple came forward.

Meanwhile, sleuths online are busily listing who they believe could have made the remarks about Archie’s skin colors. The top suspects are his father, Prince Charles, and brother, Prince William, both of whom he is at least somewhat estranged from.

It should also be noted that the phrase “Abolish the monarchy” began trending after the interview.

Oprah Winfrey Clarifies Remarks on Archie’s Skin :