Celebrities like Tiffany HaddishKevin HartTyreseT.I., Ludacris and more attended George Floyd's memorial service yesterday (June 4th) at North Central University in Minneapolis. In addition, Martin Luther King III, Jesse Jackson, Rev. Al Sharpton, Senator Amy Khlobuchar, Master P, Will Packer and black-ish actress Marsai Martin also attended the service.

Sharpton delivered the eulogy, telling the crowd, “I want us to not sit here and act like we had a funeral on the schedule. George Floyd should not be among the deceased. He did not die of common health conditions. He died of a common American criminal justice malfunction."

Sharpton continued, “He died because of there has not been the corrective behavior that has taught this country that if you commit a crime, it doesn’t matter if you’re wearing blue jeans or a blue uniform, you must pay for the crime you commit.”

Floyd died on May 25th after ex-cop Derek Chauvin kneeled on his neck for almost nine minutes. He was 46.

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