After Will Smith slapped Chris Rock at this year’s Oscars, many stars shared their two cents—including The Batman actress Zoe Kravitz. “Here's a picture of my dress at the show where we are apparently assaulting people on stage now,” she captioned a photo of herself from the big night. Following this, the High Fidelity star received significant criticism.
“It's a scary time to have an opinion or to say the wrong thing or to make controversial art or statements or thoughts or anything,” Kravitz said in a recent interview with WSJ. Magazine.
She continued, “It's mostly scary because art is about conversation. That should, in my opinion, always be the point. The internet is the opposite of conversation. The internet is people putting things out and not taking anything in.”
Kravitz added, “I have very complicated feelings around it. I wish I had handled that differently. And that's okay.”