WHITE COUPLE SEEN POINTING GUNS AT PROTESTERS IN ST. LOUIS: According to ABC News, during a march in St. Louis, Missouri, where protesters were demanding that Mayor Lyda Krewom resign, a white couple was spotted outside of their mansion, pointing guns a protesters and yelling at them. Krewsom has received backlash after reading names and addresses of people who wrote letters asking for the mayor to defund the police. She later apologized but said she has no “intention of resigning.” Donald Trump reportedly retweeted the video and then later deleted it. As of now, no charges were filed against the couple. (VLAD TV)

DETROIT POLICE OFFICER SEEN RUNNING OVER PROTESTERS WITH SUV: Video footage of Detroit police running through a crowd of Black Lives Matter protestors has landed online. According to TMZ, the incident happened in Southwest Detroit, where protestors were making their way back to Patton Park, where they initially started protesting. Then, a portion of the crowd was hit byt the cop car, which led to a standoff. From there, the cop hit the gas hard, mowing down protesters in the process. One of the protesters said the officer “ran over a couple people's arms, feet. He ran over her phone. I think I was the last person on the car. I was just holding onto the car. I could feel him speeding up, and then he did one of these and he flinged me off the car.” As a result, medics on the scene treated ten people. Detroit Police Chief James Craig addressed the incident, saying that the feels the officers “did the right thing.” (TMZ)

INVESTIGATIVE REPORT FINDS AT LEAST 70 PEOPLE DIED IN POLICE CUSTODY AFTER SAYING 'I CAN'T BREATHE': According to The New York Times, an investigative report found that at least 70 people have died in police custody after saying “I can't breathe” over the past decade. The victims included people ranging in age from 19 to 65, with more than half of them confirmed to be Black. Furthermore, the majority of people died after being confronted by police for purported reasons including “nonviolent infractions,” 911 calls from others claiming “suspicious behavior,” or mental health. (Complex)