Dionne Warwick has joined Twitter and has been chatting with different celebrities on the social media platform. This past weekend, the legendary singer tweeted Chance The Rapper, asking how he came up with his stage name. She wrote, “Hi, @chancetherapper. If you are very obviously a rapper why did you put it in your stage name? I cannot stop thinking about this.”

The rapper responded, saying, “Sorry I'm still freaking out that u know who I am. This is amazing!”

Warwick responded, “Of course I know you. You're THE rapper.” She also revealed that Justin Bieber's song “Holy” featuring Chance is one of her favorite tunes. She added, “Let's rap together. I'll message you.”

The 79-year-old also had a question for The Weeknd, saying, “The Weeknd is next. Why? It's not even spelled correctly?”

The Weeknd responded, “I just got roasted by Dionne Warwick and I feel honored! You just made my day.”

Dionne even tweeted Taylor Swift, saying, “Hi @taylorswift13. I hope you're in good spirits and having a wonderful day. Keep your head high!”

Taylor responded, “I just saw that you tweeted me!! I'm a huge fan and I respect you so much, thank you for wishing me well. I hope you have a wonderful holiday season, thank you for spreading joy.”