During an interview interview with her best friend Oprah Winfrey, Gayle King revealed that Ivanka Trump checked on her during the backlash she received from her interview with Lisa Leslie. During King's interview with Lisa Leslie, she bought up Kobe Bryant's 2003 rape case. King said, “What surprised me is the people that came to reach out to me in unexpected places. Ivanka Trump, it’s not like I’m hanging out at The White House, but Ivanka Trump reached out to me to say, ‘Are you OK? I’m sorry that this is happening to you.’ I mean, I have to say I was very touched by that.”
She added, “Sean Spicer reached out to me! Who I don’t know at all!”
She also revealed that Katie Holmes and her 15-year-old daughter Suri sent her a box of cupcakes.
On the backlash, she said, “I have moved on. Is there a scab? Yeah. But I have moved on. I put on my game face and my big girl pants, because I never lost sight of who I was, what I believe I am, and my intention. I’ve never lost sight of that. But it certainly was a learning curve, and it was very painful.”
Gayle King on people who supported her during Kobe Bryant backlash :