Despite rumors of a breakup, Halle Bailey opened up about her relationship with rapper DDG. During a recent interview, promoting her upcoming film The Little Mermaid, Halle said. “I truly think this movie does a wonderful job of telling the story of what it means to nourish and honor true love and genuine friendship.”

She continued, “You get to see the backstories of both Ariel and Eric and dive deep into both of their brains a little bit more. They go on this whimsical journey of finding love with each other.”

When asked whether DDG has the makings of a real Prince Charming, Halle responded, “People love to talk about this. Yeah. I would say that.”

She went on, “I think the best thing about young love is that you’re able to continue to find yourself through this journey of loving somebody else. And you’re discovering new parts of yourself and maybe things that you didn’t notice before about your heart.”

She added, “I feel like things change when love gets more involved in your life. I have definitely discovered more within myself as a woman. …It’s a really cool thing to go through, but a transformative experience.”