Justin Bieber denied sexually assaulting a fan in a lengthy Twitter thread.
The accuser, "Danielle," tweeted from an anonymous account (that Twitter has since removed) on Saturday night (June 20th), claiming that Bieber took advantage of her six years ago. According to her tweets, she joined him in his room at the Four Seasons Hotel in Austin, TX on March 9, 2014. She writes that he two made out consensually, before the singer sexually assaulted her.
Bieber tweeted a lengthy denial to the accusations posted by "Danielle" on Sunday (June 21st). He wrote, "I want to be clear. There is no truth to this story. In fact as I will soon show I was never present at that location."
The thread that followed documented his stay in Austin on March 9th, 2014. He posted photos of receipts showing that he stayed in an Airbnb on March 9th and at the Westin on March 10th. His tweets also showed various photos of him hanging out with his assistant and his girlfriend at the time, Selena Gomez.
He summed it all up by writing, "Every claim of sexual abuse should be taken very seriously and this is why my response was needed. However this story is factually impossible and that is why I will be working with Twitter and authorities to take legal action."