LAURYN HILL REVEALS WHY SHE NEVER RECORDED ANOTHER ALBUM: Lauryn Hill has revealed wh she never revealed a follow up to her debut solo album The Miseducation of Lauryn Hill. In an interview with Rolling Stone, Hill said, “The wild thing is no one from my label has ever called me and asked how can we help you make another album, EVER…EVER. Did I say ever? Ever!” She went onm “With the Miseducation, there was no precedent. I was, for the most part, free to explore, experiment and express. After the Miseducation, there were scores of tentacled obstructionists, politics, repressing agendas, unrealistic expectations, and saboteurs EVERYWHERE. People had included me in their own narratives of THEIR successes as it pertained to my album, and if this contradicted my experience, I was considered an enemy.” The album landed at number 10 on Rolling Stone‘s 500 Greatest Albums of All Time.
SZA OPENS UP ABOUT GRAMMY SNUB: In an interview with Cosmo, SZA opened up about being snubbed at the 2018 Grammys. SZA said, “I’m just a girl from the ‘burbs. I never had dreams of being nominated for a Grammy. I thought I was going to be a gymnast and a f—ing business accountant somewhere. Or working at Nike corporate or some sh*t in Portland. Who knows, but something that involved a power suit. So it’s not a heavy burden. Once you’ve been nominated and lost, you’re very much free because you’re not concerned. I passed that threshold years ago — it’s an old energy to me. Why would I be mad?”