NE-YO HITS MISTRESS WITH LEGAL PAPERS DEMANDING DNA TEST: According to RadarOnline, Ne-Yo has filed a petition for paternity and to establish child support for Braiden Bagnerise and Brixton Smith — two children that he reportedly shares with a woman named Sade. In the filing, Ne-Yo said that he believes he is the biological father of Braiden Bagnerise and Brixton Smith, but he asked that a DNA blood analysis test be conducted to confirm the paternity of the minor child, Brixton. The singer said it is in the best interest of the child that the parties share “joint physical custody of the minor children.” The singer said he desires a “liberal parenting time schedule” with the kids. He also asked that the court award him joint legal custody of the kids to allow him to have input on school and healthcare. Ne-Yo said he has supported the kids financially and exercised parenting time with the kids on a consistent basis. He wants the court to determine the child support amounts he will pay.

BRIAN MCKNIGHT DENIES CLAIMS THAT HE'S ABANDONED HIS BIOLOGICAL CHILDREN: Brian McKnight took to social media to deny claims that he has abandoned his biological children. On Friday (May 5th), the musician re-shared an old post that featured a picture of him and his kids. He captioned it, “Not sure how these posts that have been sitting here this whole time were left out of the false narrative that is trending. Abandonement? There’s always more to every story. Stay tuned.” Brian has faced backlash for allegedly not claiming his biological kids Brian McKnight Jr., 33, Niko, 30, and Briana, 21. He got more criticism in December after buying his stepdaughter a BMW.