PATTI LABELLE DIDN'T THINK JAZMINE SULLIVAN LIKED HER: During her upcoming interview with Drink Champs, Patti Labelle recalled feeling like fellow Philly singer Jazmine Sullivan didn'tl like her. She said, “I thought Jazmine Sullivan hated me.” She continued, “So she’s always had this love for me but whenever I would see her, she’s shy and I would give her all these props and stuff and I’d say ‘baby girl don’t like me.’ My feelings were hurt until last week.” Patti added, “When we talked on the phone she said ‘Patti LaBelle you’re my everything.’ She said ‘I love you so much I get shy when I’m around you.’ So you see how things are misunderstood in this business so ugly business and sometimes people wanna make us hate each other and say ‘oh, she don’t like her."” Patti revealed that her and Jazmine will be recording soon.
ARI LENNOX OPENS UP ABOUT NEW ALBUM: During an interview with VIBE, Ari Lennox revealed that her sophomore album is currently being mixed. She explained, “I want this album out today if it were up to me, but it’s not, and so it’s driving me crazy. We’re going through mixing, we’re mixing the album right now. We’re in the middle of finishing some music videos. So, it’s beautiful. Things are moving. It’s just, man. I want it out now.” Lennox added that fans can expect “a lot of singing,” calling the album “beautiful soul music.” She explained, “A lot of attention to detail, and a lot of vulnerability. Also a lot of realizing I’m not putting up with no more BS… I would say it’s really growing up. Really, really growing up. I think on Shea Butter Baby, I romanticize a lot of things in life. I feel like I was very naive about a lot of things about romance, about myself, about career, life, whatever, and I feel like I’m just more aware now, more evolved, and more, not putting up with c ertain sh*t I don’t like.”