Skai Jackson has filed a restraining order against rapper Bhad Bhabie after her recent death threat towards her. Jackson filed the restraining order in Los Angeles yesterday (February 27th). As previously reported, Bhad Bhabie went on Instagram earlier this week, claiming that Jackson blocked her on social media but created fake pages to diss her. She said,”She’s movin’ sneaky, bro. Don’t go post about me on your fake page, b*tch. B*tch, I’ll kill you! I’ll really kill you!”
The judge granted the restraining order. Bhad Bhabie must stay 100 yards away from Skai, her home and work place. She also can't contact Skai in any form.
Bhad Bhabie insinuated that the beef was a result of her hanging out with 20-year-old rapper YoungBoy Never Broke Again.
Jackson addressed the drama by tweeting a list of her accomplishment, adding, “No time 4 negatives!”
Danielle responded by posted a picture of her gold and platinum records and saying, “you can try to hate me for responding to bullsh*t with more bullsh*t but that’s just who I am and I don’t apologize for none of it. I been in this fake a** hollywood world for 3 1/2 years now and I’ve done ALOT when the whole world said I couldn’t, but I refuse to become as fake as hollywood is. Y’all can play around on your finstas but I’ll always say what’s on my mind as cuz that’s who I am. Go get your restraining order , Imma go get checks.”