Kim Kardashian West wants to help a young protester whose face was severely injured during a peaceful protest. The 39-year-old mother of four took to social media to share a photo of the girl whose face was damaged by a rubber bullet while speaking out against the murder of George Floyd.

She captioned the shot: "This is heartbreaking and so disturbing. Does anyone know how I can get in contact with her? I would love to help her with her medical care if she needs it."

Followers pointed her to the account of  @shannynsharyse who shared the same shot, captioning it: "I was protesting tonight. I was recording everything when I got hit with a rubber bullet. This is the result."

She also shared West’s message and corrected a few details, explaining that she is from Louisville, Kentucky, and 23 years old, instead of a high schooler protesting in Minneapolis.